Sunday, October 30, 2011

introducing CARGO BIKE LOVE t-shirts

Folks who know me or who have been visiting this blog know that one of the things I like best outside of bikes is making t-shirts.  I started simply with freezer paper stencils and moved on to a low-tech, at-home screening system.  Some years ago, I used for a series of t-shirts called Boys Like Pink, Too that still manage to sell a shirt here and there.

I enjoy my professional life, however, there are times when I would love to stay home and just make shirts.  I have never had any training in the graphic arts but love lettering by hand and messing around on the computer.  Recently, some of my favorite bike bloggers, Laura and Russ, from The Path Less Pedaled started posting their own shirts on a site I had not previously known.

This got me inspired.  With a bit of direction from Russ, I downloaded a free trial of Adobe Illustrator and started messing around with cargo bike designs.  Today, thanks to snow, yes SNOW in October, we had to cancel Kidical Mass New Haven's October Ride.  While we still got out by bikes to the Farmers Market and the Giant Puppet Parade (another post on that this week), the afternoon was spent at home.   I took advantage of the time and opened my very own Spreadshirt Store Front.

After contemplating various names, I decided not to name the storefront "Full Hands" and went with a name that specifically 'calls it like it is,' (and hopefully allows folks on search engines to stumble upon it).

Drumroll, please.

Introducing CARGO BIKE LOVE.

We have longtail designs, bakfietsen, Madsens, and cargo trikes.


Some of the great points about this website is that you can choose your own color and size shirt.  I also think the pricing is quite good, especially for a print-on-demand service.

Do contact me if you want any of these designs printed on anything else: baby onesies, hoodies, etc.  Also, if you there is some design you want tweaked a certain way (two kiddos in the bakfiets, perhaps or a different tagline), I would be open to that discussion as well.

Finally, if you like them and would be willing, please help spread the CARGO BIKE LOVE by posting the storefront on your Facebook page, Twitter account, or blog.  Many thanks.


Kimberly said...

These are so cute! I'm thinking maybe matching shirts for our family as Christmas presents... we'll see :)

Anonymous said...

How great! The shirts are super cute! "Ride, baby, Ride" was M's first book, so I love the caption.

Leya Barr said...

These are AWESOME! Just ordered one for me and little man!

adventure! said...

Cool! When I get some money, I want to get one!

Kathleen said...

These are fantastic. Nice work!