While P and I know intellectually that this is an everyday occurrence around the globe, it just felt big to us, some sort of marked confirmation that yes, our sons are growing up. I actually got a bit verklempt over this tiny sliver of white sitting in C's palm. S, too, got a bit teary-- for different reasons, however. No matter how many times we try to make the point that while they are twins and this is special, they are really their own people-- it seems that they do view themselves as a unit or package, a fixed entity. S explained that he was jealous that C had a lost tooth and he didn't. Suddenly, C gained some new authority in S's eyes-- and C's as well. They reckoned that since C lost a tooth first, he must really be the older brother and the boys have talked about this fact for the past three days. To C's credit, though, he immediately began making plans to share his expected bounty from the tooth fairy (and displaying some solid math skills): "I'll give S three of the dollars and keep the other two dollars for me."
Whoa--hold the floss! FIVE DOLLARS. Where did he get that notion? The price per tooth went up from a quarter in the years since I was six? After a bit of discussion, P and I slipped two quarters into an envelope and surreptitiously placed it under C's pillow while the boys slept the following night. In the morning, C ran into our room excitedly, clutching the unopened envelope. Ceremoniously, he ripped it open, let out an appreciative, "Wow!" and immediately passed one quarter over to S. Now how's that for confirmation of growth?

I love how much C and S love each other. I know they have their scrapes and scraps but it's pretty impressive to see the way they manage their relationship.
Honey, I totally get why it makes you misty. I often think how grown-up he'll be when he loses his first tooth. Of course, given how late my kids got them, they may actually BE grown-ups by then.
I got a little choked up a few weeks ago (driving home from the dentist) thinking that M would really no longer be my baby when he lost his first tooth (now 7 and all baby teeth still intact--Peter Pan syndrome?)! And so sweet the way twins interact (when they're not tearing each other to shreds).
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