Going back to work has been a bit challenging because C, S, and I had such a great week off together. I realized while pedaling home through the rainstorm today that it has been exactly one week since I last drove the car. Cool-- an entire week of doing everything by bike! We were so fortunate to have wonderful weather last week that for a number of days of the vacation, we simply took the bakfiets out in the morning and just stayed out all day, experiencing numerous unplanned adventures around New Haven. I never had to worry about where we would park or if we had enough quarters for the meters, so we could just follow our fancy and hit any place we liked. We visited a number of different playgrounds around the city, ate lunch at two different delis, joined in Elm City Cycling's Bike to Work Breakfast (meeting all sorts of neat New Haven cyclists and letting folks take the baks for a spin), came upon friends playing street hockey and joined in, hit Wooster Square Park for the Cherry Blossom Festival, rode down to Yale's main dining hall so the boys could have lunch there (and use up P's points on his meal card before he graduates), and so on.
One of our adventures last week is a bit embarrassing to admit to as we hit the main branch of the library downtown for the very first time. We are big readers and do love libraries, but for the year-and-a-half we have lived here, we have been going to two libraries in the next town over because-- get this-- it is easy to park at those branches. Ahhhh. The city's downtown library is in a busy section of town, hard to find parking, so in the past I would always just pack up the guys in the car and head north. When folks ask about what we paid for the bakfiets (and quite a few folks, friends and strangers alike, do ask), I always say that the only buyer's remorse I have is that I didn't learn of this incredible bicycle sooner. When I think of the fact that when I was home with F full-time last year, we would head off to the library at least once a week and what adventures we could have had on the baks...
Some of my favorite shots from last week:

Love the four-point kickstand! As P was getting a small problem on his bike fixed at our local bike shop, the boys stayed busy outside. Although, I do have to say that going to the bike shop with kids is one of the easiest stores to be in with little ones as the folks who work there do not at all mind three busy boys with curious minds, active hands, and loads of questions.....

We spotted this cool kid's Raleigh that reminded the boys of their dad's Rudge.

F is getting into the biking spirit. Again-- major thumbs up to the four-point kickstand that turns the bike into a portable jungle gym!

I just had to capture this image of P on his way home from work all dapper next to his dapper 1968 Rudge. We have always thought he should have attended university in England...
And we couldn't miss the opportunity to show the grandparents S's new smile!
Any chance you can polka-dot accessorize your helmet yourself? Given your very amazing t-shirt skills, I bet you can do it! Thanks for sharing the great photos, am still giggling over P's pic!
You are going to lead a New Haven biking revolution! I'm so proud of you.
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