Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nothing to See Here, Folks. Move Along....

It has been snowy, like, really snowy.

It has been icy. Icy like this....

But this winter has been a different story. We have gotten hammered by wintery weather. There have been an unprecedented EIGHT snow days. New Haven has had nowhere to put the snow so there are crazy, high snow banks and very, very narrow roads. And we just have not been riding. And it has not been good for my mood.

Twice. That's it. In the month of January, we were only out on our bikes two times. I was insistent that we ride on New Year's Day. It was a cold, blustery day but for almost purely symbolic reasons, I felt it most important that we HAD to get on our bikes on the first day of 2011. We had to set the tone for the rest of the year. We took a loop up around near our friend's house. It felt good to pump the legs, to breathe in the cold air. It was a positive sign when a family out walking watched us ride by and shouted out, "Hey, an Xtracycle!" We gave them a wave, feeling good, feeling free.

Last Sunday, the sun was out. The snow was still piled high. The roads were still narrow. But the ice had not yet come so I took advantage of less car commuting traffic and took my youngest fellow to his friend's house by bike. It felt good.

But there has been too little riding. So there has been no blogging going on. I feel like saying, "Nothing to see here, folks. Just move along."

Hoping the weather turns. Hoping the ice melts and the snow lessens. Hoping to get back to everyday biking. And when we do, we'll surely have adventures. And then, we'll have something to blog about.


MamaVee said...

you now I am in the same place. I havne't even taken the halfway out for my morning runs b/c with narrow roads I'm also either preparing for a storm ( ie big store run and halfway has small cargo space) or dealing with the aftermath of the storm and the roads are still yuck.

I have been daydreaming about next year when both kids take the bus and I won't have to get them to school myself and then I will at least drive less ( more time that they are in school too. I feel like my blog will be reborn then... I'm so excited about the possible eletric yuba too.

anne said...

Whoa, that's a lot of snow! Glad you were able to get out. 8 snow days??? Oh my, can't imagine that.

I haven't been blogging either. But I have no excuse - lots of riding, just not talking about it.

melanie said...

the winter weather has been killing me too! no longer taking clear roads and skies for granted.

Andrea said...

Hmm...maybe it will have to be a bike and ski blog if this weather keeps up.

Ms.Ding said...

I have some friends who live up near you and they've been keeping me up to date with all the snow and ice you! And we thought we had it bad here in Chicago. I know what you mean though.. how many posts can one do about riding or not riding, in the snow?

Anonymous said...

We can't even get to our bikes because the ice behind the gate is too thick for it to open.

Miss Sarah said...


I am only able to bike on the rare occasion when somebody is watching over Dexter and I am not working. That is not very often. And this is only if the weather is decent. I have no desire to get frost bite on my knees.

It's that bad.

Us family cyclists have to hang in there. Better days lie ahead. Good thing we can stick together.



Sarah Bolitzer said...

Hello Sara! Forgive me for leaving this message in your comment, I couldn't figure out how to send you a message directly. It is FANTASTIC to find your blog! So, I live in the Spring Glen. I also have 3 kids. My eldest is going to kindergaten about a mile away next year. You probably know that Spring Glen is a very bikable little neighborhood, and I think a cargo bike would be perfect. The prices are high, though. Do you have any advice on how to find one used in this area? I'm assuming that you have long since sold your bakfiest. Everyone thinks I'm nutty and suggests that i buy a bike trailer. I guess they don't capture my imagination and just don't seem like as much fun. I'd love to hear your thoughts!