I was very excited to learn that recently another family cargo bike has arrived in New Haven. During our two years here, I've seen a number of bikes with baby seats on the back, others with trailers been pulled behind, and even some of those trail-a-bike things so-- yes, there has been a family biking scene, albeit small, that's existed in this city.
However, when our bakfiets arrived in February, it seemed to be the first one around (although I heard from Henry in Amsterdam that the company may have shipped one to New Haven some years ago, but I haven't seen it or heard any other reference to it). I asked Martina from Clever Cycles to mail me some of her business cards because folks were stopping us on the street to ask about it, and I was hoping that some other Elm City families would join in on the fun. I enjoy talking with anyone who shows even a glimmer of interest about what a terrific experience we have had family bike commuting. And the more I am out there riding and the more I am meeting other cyclists, I have been heartened to discover that there are other local, like-minded families.
And here's one with the brand new Madsen. WOOO-HOOO!!! I am looking forward to a family ride meet-up with this crew and just maybe, I can convince them to contribute a guest post on their experience.

This is a great looking bike! I have a trail behind bike, so one child can ride along with me. It is great fun and my kids love it. Notice I said kids, I have two and only one seat on the trail along bike, you can imagine my problems, every bike ride has to be made twice and let's not start on the who goes first debate.
When my kids were very small I wanted to get a trailer for them to ride in, but my wife would not allow it. We have spent years walking everywhere. If only I had known about cargo bikes! I am saving up for one right now, I just hope my kids are not too old to use one by the time I can afford it.
Ah, Nipper-- This (more than one kid--in fact, twins first so two kids at once!) is the very reason we didn't figure out our family biking situation until we discovered the bakfiets. I can well imagine the 'discussions' around taking turns with the trail-along bike. It would happen in our home for sure...
How fun! I would love to read a guest post. You'll have to swap bikes one day and do a Madsen vs. Bakfiets post.
Sweet looking bike, too bad Missoula doesn't have ant dealers that sell cargo bikes, I'd really like to test one out.
Great looking blog, the more I search around and read different carfree blogs, the more carefree blogs I keep coming across; its like a never ending stream of biking goodness.
Stop by my blog sometime @ http://www.imaginenocars.blogspot.com/
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